International Topical Workshop on Fukushima-Daiichi Decommissioning Research 2024
    October 10-13, 2024. J-Village, Naraha, Fukushima, JAPAN

What's New

• Oct.02, 2024: Access information to J-Village. See Venue page.
• July13, 2024: Registration and accommodation site has opened. See Registration and Accommodation page.
• May 06, 2024: Submission deadline for abstract has been extended to May 20, 2024. (Closed)
• Mar.04, 2024: Announcement of Technical Tour
• Feb.05, 2024: Submission of abstract opened. See File Submission page.
• Aug.19, 2023: Website opened.

FDR2024 Selected Paper  NEW! 

The FDR2024 organizing committee has decided to award the FDR2024 Selected Paper to the following 19 presentations.

Congratulations to the authors!

The committee strongly recommend these excellent studies to be submitted as full papers to the technical journals of JSME /AESJ, i.e. Mechanical Engineering Journal (MEJ), Mechanical Engineering Letters (MEL), Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (JNST).

Paper No.First authorTitleOrganization
1001Dr. Emmanuel PorcheronStudy of various aerosol mitigation means for Fukushima Daiichi fuel debris retrieval operationsThe Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety
1005Dr. Ryo YokoyamaDevelopment of Large Scale Highly Viscous Fluid-Structure Interaction Calculation Method For Clarifying Sedimentation Behavior of Fuel Debris in Unit 3The University of Tokyo
1013Mr. Yoichi EndoRelation of Cooling Rate to Crystal Structure and Microstructure of (U, Zr)O2Nippon Nuclear Fuel Development
1033Dr. Youichi TsubotaElemental analysis and radioactivity evaluation of aerosols generated during heating of simulated fuel debris in the URASOL projectJapan Atomic Energy Agency
1043Mr. Muhammad Rashid MaqboolDevelopment of datasets and machine learning models to enhance perception for Fukushima Daiichi DecommissioningUK Atomic Energy Authority
1066Dr. Hugo LaffolleyGeneration Mechanism Study of Fukushima's Cesium-Bearing MicroparticulesJapan Atomic Energy Agency
1069Dr. Viviane BouyerFuel Debris Prototype Fabrication, Cutting and Aerosol Collection in view of Fukushima Daiichi fuel debris retrieval safetyThe French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
1122Dr. Taizo KanaiEvaluation of airborne release behaviours during cutting fuel debris for future safety assessment of fuel debris retrieval -Dust dispersion during cutting with disk cutter- Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
1011Dr. Shinsuke NakashimaDecommissioning Robot Manipulator for Fuel Debris RetrievalThe University of Tokyo
1014Dr. Yuichi AmbeDevelopment of a Telescopic Active Scope Camera that threads perforated plates for the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power PlantOsaka University
1025Mr. Boyuan ChenRealization of Module Connection Associated with the Cable Switch while Controlling Joints' Angle for the Modularized Rail StructureThe University of Tokyo
1064Dr. Kaiqiang ZhangEfficient and Safe Fuel Debris Retrieval Utilising Long-Reach Manipulators Through Advanced Control Techniques and Motion PlanningUK Atomic Energy Authority
1086Mr. Takeyuki TanakaDevelopment of a Pipe Cutting Tool for ITER Blanket Remote Handling SystemNational Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology
1044Dr. Yoshihiro IwataSelective resonance ionization of odd calcium isotopes using linearly polarized lasersJapan Atomic Energy Agency
1071Mr. Dante NakazawaRecent experiences and studies using SuperISOCS for the sorting of large, complex objects and difficult characterization campaigns in nuclear facility decommissioningMirion Technologies (Canberra) KK
1120Dr. Yuichiro UenoRadiation measurement results of detailed investigations inside the Primary Containment Vessel of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1Hitachi, Ltd.
1029Prof. Kazuya IdemitsuLeaching Behavior of Simulated Fuel Debris by Using Microchannel Flow-Through MethodTohoku university
1058Dr. Masahiko NakaseTokyo Tech's Collaboration Research with TEPCO for Decommissioning (8) Development of rapid solidification technology for 1FInstitute of Science Tokyo
  FDR2024 Workshop was successfully closed.  

Thank you for your participation.
Group Photo
(Click picture to enlarge)

Plenary Lecture

Plenary 1 In todays world of sustainability and technology advancement
  -- A look at transformational drivers impacting D&D --

Colin Austin, EnergySolutions, USA
Plenary 2 The benefits of a digital twin in support of complex long-term operations
Rob Buckingham, UK Atomic Energy Authority, UK
Plenary 3 Challenges for fuel debris retrieval
Masumi Ishikawa, Tousou Mirai Technology, JAPAN

Workshop Program

Call for Papers


The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) and the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) are jointly organizing International Topical Workshop on Fukushima-Daiichi Decommissioning Research 2024 (FDR2024), a follow-up to the successful previous meetings held in 2019 and 2022.

The topical workshop promotes a broad global exchange of information on technologies, operations, management and safety for the Research and Development activities on decommissioning and dismantling of the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Join the on-site workshop with worldwide experts to present your work on current and future activities on Fukushima-Daiichi decommissioning, showing the steady recovery of Fukushima.

Prior to the workshop, a half-day technical tour to the Fukushima- Daiichi Nuclear Power Station site will be held on Oct. 10, 2024.

Abstract submission

Authors are required to submit abstracts (maximum 400 words) in English via the workshop website by April 30, 2024. The presentation will be oral only, limited to one paper per person.

Extended abstract submission

Instructions for the preparation of extended abstracts will be announced to authors with the notification of abstract acceptance and at the workshop website. Selected papers will be proposed for publication in Mechanical Engineering Journal (JSME) and Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (AESJ).

Technical tour of FDR2024

A technical tour to Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F), Fukushima-Daini Nuclear Power Station (2F) and Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development (NARREC) is organized in FDR2024. The date of the tour will be 10th of Oct (full day). The tour registration will be available shortly. Due to the limitation of the tour seats (40 persons), the participation will be on the order of arrival.

Precautions for the tour participants:

  1. The tour is available for all FDR2024 participants without any additional registration fees.
  2. Tour participants are requested to submit a copy of your passport (drivers’ license also available for Japanese participants) more than one month before the tour. Personal information will only be used for the tour registration.
  3. The following people are not allowed to participate in the tour, such as pregnant or under the age of 18.
  4. The tour participants are requested to bring a dosimeter during the tour and walk a few tens of meters on an unpaved road. The following people are kindly requested to inform their physical conditions as long as they can when they apply for the tour, such as physical disability, chronic illness, and undergone radiation treatment within six (6) months.
  5. Lunch boxes will be prepared for the tour participants for a fee (app. 1,000JPY, cash only). The tour participants who have dietary restrictions are kindly inform the details to the tour coordinator:

    Tour coordinator:

Important dates

Abstract submission deadline April 30 May 20, 2024 (Closed)
Notification of abstract acceptance June 1, 2024
Extended abstract submission deadlineJuly 31, 2024

Welcome to Fukushima

FDR2024 is financially supported by Fukushima prefecture.